Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm baaaaaaack!

Ah, it's good to be back at the blog again!

Despite my best intentions, I did not get around to moving this blog to a new domain after all, and life became so complicated that I stopped posting as well. But it's a new year and with new years come resolutions, and I am resolved to blog once again.

Of course, one of the reasons I wanted to move the blog was because it's hard to get traffic if the blog isn't linked to other sites people read. Our church website had not been updated in quite some time, but we recently remedied that problem by having a new vendor create a site for us. It is quite lovely, don't you agree?

So now that I'll have a location from which folks might actually read my rantings, I'm committed to getting back into the blogging habit.

I started to remove all the old posts below, but I kinda hated to delete them. I thought they might inspire me as I try once again to get into this habit. Plus, they'll give you some insight into how my mind works - or doesn't, as you may argue.

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